True success comes from helping people, not from taking advantage of others.
Thanks for stopping by my website. I'm Ulf Astrom (known online as 'ulf2net'), born and raised in Sweden but living in Estonia nowadays.
Internet and Making Money Online from Affiliate Marketing with solid and useful products/services are two big passions of mine.
I've been a musician for most of my life, playing the piano and keyboard in different bands, touring a lot, mostly in Northern Europe/Scandinavia, but also around the European continent. For several years I also had a party duo together with my wife who's a splendid singer.
As of today I'm working as a support specialist in the financial industry, but not for long still... 😊
Why is that you might ask...
Read on to know more.
I've been an entrepreneur in my heart all the way since childhood. I was no more than 10 years old when I for the first time in my life started to sell things. It was up to May 1st. where we in Sweden as kids always could sell small flowerpins for Labor Day and make some money for doing so. I also sold other things like Christmas Magazines every year between Oct-Dec and made money from that as well. It has always made sense to me since I like to earn from my efforts, yet being able to provide products and services to others that they find useful and pleasurable.
Being a musician is/was also an entrepreneurial skill since I was never employed, but rather selling my services by providing people (my customers) entertaining, based on the skills that I had, and learned to perfect and master through 35 years. This has obviously left some big footprints in my life with regards to the way I view quality, fairness, loyalty and respect towards others (including my customers). Put this together with how my parents raised me with all these values, plus absolute honesty and always striving to do one's best in every situation we all encounter in our lives, then you'll have a pretty good picture of what kind of person I am.
Fast forward to nowadays...
I've been online for several years and worked with different online business programs. In the start it went very well and I made great money, but the program in question didn't last simply because the business model wasn't sustainable. I then found a few programs I worked with and promoted heavily and made some money, but people dropped out, mostly because of the recurring costs as well as the fact that they weren't genuinely interested in making money online. This is very true to this day. Let me explain...
Thousands upon thousands of people around the world (more like tens of thousands) seek to make money online every single day, and almost every single one of them goes into this industry with the wrong approach. While the internet is accessible for a lot of people on the planet (believe it or not, but not everyone in the world has internet access), most people think that it's easy to make money online. See... the fact is that the more people who seek to make money online, the bigger amount of offers there will always be, and beware! A lot, and I mean A LOT of the offers are outright scams or have no tangible (real) service or product. Many business programs are also set up in a "smart" way so you will commit yourself to pay money in the form of recurring subscriptions. That is fine, as long as it is a service that you actually need for your business, otherwise skip those. They will only drain your wallet. There's plenty of useful tools and resources out there which you can access for a onetime cost and even for free.
Instead you should spend your energy and focus on finding one main business program to where you will direct your attention. Make sure to find a person who can point you, lead you and instruct you on how to work, build and market that specific business program, and it should be someone who's also using the particular program him/herself.
Please understand that in order for you to make any "real money" online, you should prepare for some kind of monetary investment or recurring cost. However, you should find something which has a low entry cost so you can get properly started without emptying your bank account, and any recurring subscription costs should be kept as low as possible, yet with the needs for running your business, fully covered.
If you together with the above also could find something that offers training about how to run your online business and how to market it properly, then it's even better. Having a highly potential and lucrative online business but not knowing what to do with it or how to run it will lead you nowhere, so this part is crucial.
It's therefore my sincere pleasure to offer you to team up with me and get your online business started. Click the link below to get your FREE copy of my guide "The Secret To Getting Your First Affiliate Sale - A Beginner's Guide".